ITS HARDWe know Flowers. We know DIY. And we guarantee you can do this. With our Guided DIY we give you the instructions, tools, and flowers you need! |
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THEY’LL DIEWith Bloom Culture you are getting the FRESHEST blooms available. With our Pro-Tips we'll help you keep them fresh and perky (no pennies, bleach, sprite or whatever internet hack you've read). |
BULK SAVES MONEYSure you may get a bajillion roses but what if you want a little more variety and pay similar prices? We help you figure it all out and know pricing per bunch to help get you AFFORDABLE variety. |
YOU MUST BE CRAFTYSome are, some aren't. You don't need to be crafty, creative, or even care about flowers to do this. There's no one type of person that we work with and this approach makes it easy and fun for anyone. |
IT’LL BE A DISASTERLook, stuff happens, and it might. But we give you EVERYTHING you need to prepare and be ready for this whole process. And if something goes to crap, might as well have a professional in your pocket to help you with it! |
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