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Boutonniere Hack

Easy Boutonniere Hack to keep your Bouts Fresh!

So you’ve made your boutonnieres with help from our Bout tutorial, now here is how I keep them prancy and fresh!

Supplies: Water Tube Picks and Floral foam.
*if you are a Bloom Culture Bride/Client we’ll mail the picks to you FO FREE (just email and ask us to :)

Copy of Style a) Pro Tip (recommended).png

Once you are done constructing your bouquets give them a firm tape and fill the pics with water, stick them in the floral foam and then place your bouts in the water! It’s like a mini vase for your little bouty!

You can always pop them in the fridge until the big day too. You can do these a day or two in advance if you keep them fresh and hydrated! If you want to add ribbon you can easily do that the morning of your event!


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