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The Ole Bud Vase Butt Face

True Story: In my local studio I would always say butt faces quickly when referring to bud vases. I would try to see if anyone would notice or catch on. I’m a 5 year old at heart at times and it just made me chuckle. My assistants will attest to my rapier wit (they’d all roll their eyes at this point.)

Also, I didn’t realize that so many people didn’t know what bud vases were! These glorious babes are Bud Vases. They give a great bang for your buck as a little goes a long way. They are simple to make, simple to transport and just for the sake of using the same word three times, they make it simple to make your reception feel designed and full. Who knew a bunch of butt faces would come in handy at your wedding (especially when you mix them with other decor like candles OR a homemade sand terrarium!? 🤗)

Check out our Pinterest page dedicated to Bud Vase design! SO many options!

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